An educational and cultural journey
At the heart of the high schools of Seine-Saint-Denis
“From one 9/11 to another” is conceived as a journey that includes an artistic practice inseparable from the cultural and educational journey, since the two components feed off each other.
They are 16 or 17 years old, they live in Seine-Saint-Denis, they are high school students in 11th or 10th grade in three high schools in the department: the Voillaume high school in Aulnay-sous-Bois, the Jean Renoir high school in Bondy and the Évariste Galois high school in Noisy-le-Grand.
Three institutions with different sociologies which reflect the diversity and richness of a region that is usually stigmatized because of its difficulties.
In each of these establishments, the teaching teams have joined forces with the head of the establishment to allow these high school students, through artistic and cultural work, to open up to the world of today, to question it, but also to take part in it.
Citoyenneté Jeunesse is working with teachers on a cultural path that opens up high school students to a wide range of knowledge about this event. The cultural course offers a different approach to current events and history and gives them the means to go beyond academic knowledge, to “associate” with different points of view, to get out of a black and white vision of the world. One of the objectives of this predominantly theatrical project is to articulate a long-term reflection on the whole of society and its humanity.
At the end of the journey, “From one 9/11 to another” takes the students to the stage of a large theater stage. Where experimentation will be the opportunity to activate creative potentials that will allow them to be individuals better prepared to face life, citizens with a sharp critical mind, adults.
Citoyenneté Jeunesse
Citoyenneté Jeunesse is an artistic and cultural education association founded in 1987 which deploys its activities in the artistic, cultural and civic field towards the young people of Seine-Saint-Denis. For more than twenty years, Citoyenneté Jeunesse has enabled young people to experiment, experience and reflect on art actively and thus cultivate their intelligence, sensitivity and critical thinking.
Field expertise at the service of National Education
This experimentation is carried out mainly in the form of artistic and cultural projects carried out over time. These courses bring together the transmission of knowledge through school, cultural life and artistic creation in the Île-de-France region, as well as learning about citizenship and living in society. The projects are not prefabricated, Citoyenneté Jeunesse develops them in close collaboration with the teaching team to nourish, during the school year, a practice, a reflection, a discovery. The association seeks in fact to find the meeting point between the teaching approach of the teachers and a proposal of "pedagogy of the detour". A project is nourished by meetings, visits, shows, artistic and cultural practices so that students can experiment, experience, reflect but also dream and invent.
One goal: to fight for equal opportunities
Citoyenneté Jeunesse operates in a context of social inequalities. Its initiatives are aimed at correcting them in the cultural field. Its actions in the field promote access for all to the world of art and culture.
Working on the sidelines

A great living author, a director recognized and present in the world, a passionate, fascinating and poetically committed choreographer, a strong and magnificent text which, if it activates the memory, is entirely anchored in the present ...
These are the elements of a project which aims to move from good conscience to conscience.
The writing of Michel Vinaver, of which Arnaud Meunier says that it "intrigues, makes you curious, makes you want to know more" resonates in echo with the essential missions of Citoyenneté Jeunesse to offer to the young people of Seine-Saint-Denis , thanks to the artists, an opening on the world and the means to take their place there.
I enthusiastically welcome Arnaud Meunier's desire to go and meet this youth, the bearer of a fervor and energy that is often hidden.
Our ambition is to mobilize the “tools” of art and culture so that the interpretations of the world made by artists are subjects of questions, reflections, debates, I was going to write of democracy.
We want to inscribe the ephemeral of artists in the long term, to inscribe the fragments of their evocations in coherence.
Arousing, welcoming and providing possible ways to structure the expression of the desire and emotion of youth is an integral part of our responsibility. We all know that when the desiring machine crashes we pay dearly.
To give to see, to hear, to reflect the work of the interpretation of the meaning. Perhaps that is the challenge today.
To follow cross roads with high school students to tackle the major issues that make sense for them but also for us, is to have the audacity to think that fiction helps us to think about reality.
So we work a little on the edges ... of programs, school practices, timetables, the usual knowledge of the school, we work on the margins but with the awareness, as Jean-Luc Godard said, that it is margin that holds the text.
Jean-Michel Gourden, director of the Citoyenneté Jeunesse association
Partner high schools
Three classes of 11th grade, in three high schools, in three different cities of Seine-Saint-Denis, participate in the project "From one 9/11 to another"
Lycée Évariste Galois - Noisy-le-Grand (62,000 inhabitants)
Principal Mr. Ricci
Multipurpose high school (general and technological education, vocational education, BTS classes). Opened in 1992, with the architecture of an ocean liner, it welcomes students from very diverse origins and sees this diversity as an asset. The class chosen for the project is a 1ES class, a section a priori particularly interested in current events, history and social sciences. The 34 students who do not yet know each other very well come from different second grade classes (25 girls and 9 boys). In addition to the school work which will be partially organized around September 11 and the play by Michel Vinaver, students will be offered a certain number of cultural outings, and to make them think about the fundamental role of culture in the perception of the world that surrounds us.
Lycée Jean Renoir - Bondy (53,300 inhabitants)
Principal Mr. Nasari
General and technological high school, with 1,800 pupils from 6th grade to BTS classes, with around 250 staff members. The school recruits from five middle schools located mostly in ZEP or sensitive area. For four years, the interdisciplinary and team work around annual educational projects has taken root in Jean Renoir within the framework of the experiment initiated by the IEP Paris in 2005. Each year, classes are enrolled in projects around theater. The project “From one 9/11 to another” is a continuation of the work accomplished in high school. The chosen 11th grade class (1ES) has 24 students and 8 people from the teaching team are involved in this project. It can be used at all levels in the different disciplines (history, French, languages, EPS and economic and social sciences) with views and lessons in several voices. Part of the work will be evaluated for the bac as part of the Supervised Personal Work (coefficient 2). The theme addressed in Michel Vinaver's play will give rise to debates and develop a critical mind on events and the treatment of information in the media.
Lycée Voillaume - Aulnay-Sous-Bois (81,600 inhabitants)
Principal Mr. Tomasi
Founded in 1962, the Voillaume high school now accommodates nearly 2,000 students in a school complex which brings together a general and technological high school and a vocational high school. Classified as a “Sensitive school” and “Violence prevention zone”, the school strives to meet several challenges. The first is to offer a diversified and quality training to students who have the choice between fifteen different baccalaureate degrees and to students who can continue their post-baccalaureate studies in BTS (in industrial and tertiary fields) or in DCG (Diploma of Accounting and Management). Recently, the school opened an L section (literary) as well as History of Arts and Cinema-Audiovisual options. The second challenge is to succeed in creating a real ambition in pupils from 75% of disadvantaged socio-professional categories. The numerous partnerships that the Lycée Voillaume has concluded with Grandes Écoles or cultural institutions play a large part in this, whether they are those oriented towards the sciences (with the École des Mines, the Association Tremplin-ENS Ulm, the Lycée Saint-Louis) or towards the arts (with the Louvre, the Claude Monet Art School, the Forum du Blanc-Mesnil, etc.).
With: the teaching teams of the three establishments
In charge of the general coordination of artistic workshops: Nathalie Matter
Citoyenneté Jeunesse
Director: Jean-Michel Gourden
Partner Relations Officer: Sabrina Benhamouche
Project managers: Carolina Cordova, Aurélie Leprette and Claire Jarreau