written by Jean-Charles Morisseau and Mathieu Palain
From one 9/11 to another
Why a book?
Theatrical creation, because it is alive, is an ephemeral art. As soon as the Théâtre de la Ville triumph is digested, as soon as everyone's pride is swallowed up, September 11, 2001 is an adventure that blends into the past. The writing of this book is part of the September 11 project to extend the pleasure over 300 pages, to come back to the miracle represented by this ephemeral company.
The memories are intense but fade over time.
Director Guy Girard filmed everything. Or almost everything. But the film cannot speak of all subjects and its length has led to cuts.
The book is a way of telling the whole story, from the genesis to the performances, including the work in school and behind the scenes. To discuss all the characters: the author, the director, the students but also the professional actors, the teachers, the associations.
The book also provides an opportunity to reflect on the experience and draw useful conclusions for other projects.
The authors

Jean-Charles Morisseau

Mathieu Palain
Mathieu Palain dreamed of being a footballer or a PE teacher; Florence Aubenas' book, La Méprise, will guide him towards journalism. Perhaps also because he was once a kid angry with the media after seeing them tumble through his suburbs like one goes to war.
When he hears about this project developed in the 93, he will not hesitate for a moment to capture its echoes and especially to closely follow the work of these young people not predestined to get on stage.
Passionate about theater and an entrepreneur, like Michel Vinaver, he initiated and co-produced the September 11, 2001 project.
Having shared the joys and fears of all those involved in this adventure, he wanted to tell the episodes and describe its many facets. Theater is for him a vector of progress and communion between individuals which transcends ages, genres and economic and social categories.
A great traveler, living alternately in Paris and New York, he is passionate about the cultural differences of the many regions he visits. A naive outlook, without academic pretension, amateur but curious, benevolent and enthusiastic in front of the diversity and the beauty of the world.